Actively implement the goal of "carbon neutrality", Nature Home insists on taking the road of zero-carbon development and environmental protection


In order to promote the transformation of industrial services, the 6th World Flooring Conference and the 24th China Flooring Industry Summit Forum hosted by the China Forest Products Industry Association and the Wood Industry Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Forestry will be held in Shanghai on March 23, 2021. With the theme of "Cultivating New Business Forms and Empowering New Growth", the conference gathered elites in the flooring and wall panel industry chain to discuss new ideas and new growth for the industry. At the meeting, She Xuebin, Chairman of Nature Home, gave a speech on related topics on the development of the flooring industry under the goal of "carbon neutrality", which was highly recognized by the participants.

Under the goal of "carbon neutrality", the flooring industry must take responsibility

Climate change is a major global challenge facing mankind today. It is reported that in response to global climate change, in 2020, President Xi Jinping proposed during the 75th UN General Assembly: "China's carbon dioxide emissions will strive to reach the peak before 2030, and strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060." The proposal of the "carbon neutral" goal will accelerate the transformation of China's economy and energy structure towards the goal of zero carbon emissions.

Under the national "carbon neutral" strategic vision, the flooring industry will face new challenges and opportunities. On the one hand, China's flooring industry is facing structural transformation and upgrading, and companies are facing brand-new challenges in product innovation and technological upgrading; on the other hand, it may give birth to revolutionary low-carbon technology, which is expected to bring about the rise of emerging markets.

Faced with the “carbon neutral” goal proposed by the country, She Xuebin, Chairman of Nature Home, said at this conference: The flooring industry is a wood resource-dependent industry, and flooring companies must be responsible and have the responsibility to actively undertake the work of energy conservation and emission reduction. , To make positive contributions to the country's "carbon neutral" goal. It is reported that for many years, Nature Home has taken the initiative to take the responsibility of energy saving and emission reduction through various measures such as sustainable forest management, legal supply chain management, launch of zero-carbon products and charity tree planting.


Adhere to long-termism, harmonious development between man and nature

As the chairman of Nature Home Furnishings She Xuebin emphasized at the meeting: “Our Chinese entrepreneurs have the responsibility, which is reflected in the long-termism is the business philosophy and implementation of sustainable development. Therefore, Nature Home has insisted on doing FSC forest management for 18 years and insisting on 15 years. Plant trees every year and make zero-carbon floors 11 years ago."

The ambition of a big country requires responsibility for the flooring industry. The practice of "carbon neutrality" is a social responsibility and an unshirkable mission that enterprises must fulfill. Nature Home said that it will actively do four "persistences" in the future: adhere to legal procurement, build a compliant supply chain system to achieve green and sustainable development; adhere to low-carbon technology research and development, upgrade healthy and environmentally friendly products; adhere to exchanges and cooperation, and improve the system Management and control capabilities; adhere to long-termism, adhere to the harmonious development of man and nature.

At the same time, it also calls on the industry to join hands to build together, unswervingly follow the path of green, low-carbon and sustainable development, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of industrial services, and actively promote the realization of the national "carbon neutral" goal.